Educational online videos

Since 2018, has built up an online video library with more than 230 videos, and counting.
A large porportion of the videos are rueda de casino figures and figure combinations.

To see the videos on this web site, please log on to your account with your subscription. Get access if you are not already subscribing. 


Videos of rueda figures

Select your rueda level for rueda figure videos:


Video modules

To make it easier to learn and to teach rueda de casino, we are now in the process of providing video modules. That way you can consentrate on 10-12 figures and combinations at the time. Whether you can make 1 or 2 modules during one series of classes depends on a few factors. Either way, the modules may help to sort your way through the jungle of rueda calls.

The modules are grouped by level. 4 modules on beginner and advanced level, 8 modules on improver level, and 5 modules on intermediate level. 


Video preview 

Here is a preview of one of our educational rueda videos. The videos may be used to repeat figures you have learned, pick up details you may have missed, and also to learn some new figures. 

dame una arriba (rueda figure)


More rueda topics

In addition to videos of rueda figures, we have collected information on certain rueda topics, where you will find explanations, illustrations and background information: ruedastandard, rueda structures & concepts, rueda map and printout
The rueda structures & concepts contain a few videos at this point, and more videos are in the works.



Featured topics from the rueda structures & concepts page:

rueda de la calle   |   rueda caminando   |   rueda torno


Rueda congress

SalsaNor is hosting the annual international SalsaNor Rueda Congress, with location changing every year. If you are a rueda dancer and have not yet participated at an international rueda event, you really have something to look forward to. Take a look:  


From the SalsaNor Rueda Congress 2022 in Oslo, Norway


From the SalsaNor Rueda Congress 2018 in Málaga, Spain




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